
An app to record the expenses through time.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


An app to add your transactions and keep track of the percentage of each day for the last week.

How is it going

You can check on this link!

You can add and remove a transactions. A chart will be shown based on your transactions from the last 7 days.

Adding transactions

There are text fields to add the title and the value of the transaction.

There is also a text button to open a date picker and choose the time when the transaction occured.

After that you can click the elevated button to include this transaction to the transactions list.

Removing transactions

Click the trash can icon lol

Tested in

- Google Chrome
- iPhone 6s (in Safari web browser)

Known issues

- The iOS keyboard is in front of the text field and the scrolling is not working.
- The Android keyboard is also not scrolling while the text field is open.
- The MaterialDatePicker is showing up when the add transaction button is pressed even in the iOS version. Then after closing it shows the add transaction modal.
- The iOS version can only type and date pick in landscape mode (?? pls help)