
Packer scripts to build a Vagrant-compatible boot2docker box.

Primary LanguageShell

boot2docker Vagrant Box

This repository contains the scripts necessary to create a Vagrant-compatible boot2docker box and is compatible with Docker v1.7.

If you work solely with Docker, this box lets you keep your Vagrant workflow and work in the most minimal Docker environment possible.


The box is available on Hashicrop's Atlas, making it very easy to use it:

$ vagrant init dduportal/boot2docker
$ vagrant up

If you want the actual box source file, you can download it from the tags page.

On OS X, to use the docker client, follow the directions here: http://docs.docker.io/installation/mac/#docker-os-x-client (you'll need to export DOCKER_HOST). You should then be able to to run docker version from the host. Homebrew can also a good installation medium with brew update && brew install docker

Tips & tricks

  • Vagrant synced folder has been tested with :
    • Shared Folder for Virtualbox and Parallels Desktop: This is default sharing system

    • rsync : add this line to your Vagrantfile (it will overwrite the default vboxsf sync behaviour) :

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync" ```

  • NFS : For now, use environment variable to enable NFS (Mac OS and Linux tested). It will ask for your admin password.

    $ export B2D_NFS_SYNC=1
    $ vagrant up
  • If you want to tune contents (custom profile, install tools inside the VM) that do not fit into the "vagrant provisionning" lifecycle combinded with the un-persistence of boot2docker, the "bootlocal" system has been extended :

    • The boot2docker FaQ says that you can provide a custom script, named bootlocal.sh to execute things at the end of the boot.
    • We customize in order to run that script from the /vagrant share when mounted, at the end of the boot.
    • So : just place a "bootlocal.sh" script alongside your Vagrantfile to customize what's inside your b2d VM.
  • If you use the VM as a remote Docker daemon in a private networked docker server you need to add in your bootlocal.sh : (Thanks to @Freyskeyd)

# Regenerate certs for the newly created Iprivate network IP
sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
# Copy tls certs to the vagrant share to allow host to use it
sudo cp -r /var/lib/boot2docker/tls /vagrant/

Next, you need to configure your Docker environment :

# For VirtualBox provider:
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=`pwd`/tls
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

# For Parallels provider:
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=`pwd`/tls
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://`vagrant ssh-config | sed -n "s/[ ]*HostName[ ]*//gp"`:2376"

Building the Box

If you want to recreate the box, rather than using the binary, then you can use the scripts and Packer template within this repository to do so in seconds.

To build the box, first install the following prerequisites:

Then run this command to build the box for VirtualBox provider:

make virtualbox

or this one to build the box for Parallels provider:

make parallels