Peng BAI

DevOps, a Software Engineer at Worldline Lille, France


equensWorldline - Since October 2015

Software Engineer, DevOps & Technical referent Docker

Worldline - From May 2015 to September 2015

Internship as Software Engineer

Worldline - From Juin 2014 to August 2014

Internship as Software Engineer


CS Master & Engineer Degree - From September 2012 to May 2015 - Polytech Tours

Bachelor on Telecommunication Engineering - From Sept 2008 to Juin 2012 - University of Science & Technology Beijing

Profile Tags


Français, English, Chinese


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Domain Level Domain Level
Languages / Databases
Java 3 Oracle, MySQL 2
Shell/Bash 2 C/C++ 2
html/css, xml, yaml, md 2 Python, javascript 1
Mongodb 1
Operating Systems Linux 2 Windows 2
Methodologies Devops, CI/CD
3 Agile/Scrum 2
Frameworks / Tools
Docker 3 IaaS/CloudStack 2
Maven, log4j, Camel 2 Hibernate, JPA, Junit 2
Jenkins, Jira 2 Git, mercurial 2
Tomcat, Apache, JBoss 2 Gitlab/Gitlab-ci, Github 2
Eclipse, IntelliJ 2 MkDocs, Sharelatex 2
Vagrant, VirtualBox 2 RESTful, soap 1
Node.js, Angularjs 1 JSF, Tapestry
JAXB, wsdl, xsd 1 Spring, Activemq 1
Level: 1 Knowledge - 2 Master - 3 Expert


Running, Trail, Marathon

Linkedin Github Dockerhub

Page updated on 2017-01-05