the Simple Analysis of the Driver in RF hydrogen ion source



the Simple Analysis of the Driver in RF hydrogen ion source

The code is still under development, though the the existing modules have been compared with the results reported by the literature. (See the unit test cases, and the results are listed in .\others\Figures during code developing.pptx in Chinese. Sorry for nonstandard references.)

If this repository is helpful for you, please email PengChen(pengchen.hust@outlook.com) just let me know. It is my honor to know that.
Please feel free to use the Discussions and pull request in Github.
The data and the related document(in Chinese) are available from the author upon reasonable request.


Examples of the plasma models and other electric models

.\CHARLIE_sweep210415.m .\BUG_sweep210508.m .\CHARLIE_nonuniform210426.m

results and analysis


Examples of the FEM model

.\others\for_paper210415\BUG1.aedt .\others\for_paper210415\CHARLIE_1MHz.aedt


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get collision cross section

https://nl.lxcat.net/data/set_type.php -> type: Scattering crossing sections -> database: all -> specA: Ground states: e -> specB: Ground states: Ar -> groups: Elastic, Ionization -> processes: Biagi-v7.1, Morgan -> compare and download -> put each data set into a single file, record the reference at the first line -> modify the get_Xsec.m
Cross sections of e-H2, e-Ar has been included in the ./packages/physic_tools.

compare data

output data by get_output_json(), then compare file by arbitrary text comparator, such as plug-in of code editor

History before version control by Git (in Chinese)

v190111 等效媒质模型与变压器模型初版自左晨,赵鹏
190916 by陈鹏 进行等效媒质模型代码整理
v200413 by陈鹏 完成等效媒质模型与变压器模型检查,单点计算可靠
以2018Jain中ELISE case做benchmark:见main_v200413.m和result_of_main_v200413.md
CHARLIE case:见main_v200413_2.m和result_of_main_v200413_2.md
2.变压器模型中二次线圈理论计算式进行了长冈系数校正;互感表达式考虑了线圈电感。校正后在ELISE case中与2018Jainb结果相近,在CHARLIE中比2018Jainb结果更优

v200418 by陈鹏 进行代码修改
分析见result_of_main_v200418.md,并提供新的ELISE case benchmark

v181211 解析电模型初版自李增山。
v200420 by陈鹏 将解析电模型加入main。
v200421 by陈鹏 fix了无法使用LZS的veff的bug,与LZS的解析电磁模型一致

v200424 多自变量运行模式及后处理可用;改用2014Cazzador拟合表达式计算vst
v200425 新的ELISE case benchmark,见result_of_main_v200418.md与eP
典型参数下适用与结果分析 参数化分析

v200514 不同种类碰撞频率绘图。与2014Cazzador结果一致。


v201010 v0.1 201030 开始Git版本管理