- Introduction
- Requirements and Dependencies
- Installation
- Dataset
- Apply Pre-trained Models
- Training and Testing
- Evaluation
- Image Processing Algorithms
- Acknowledge
Our method is written based on Learning Blind Video Temporal Consistency, which takes the original unprocessed and per-frame processed videos as inputs to produce a temporally consistent video. Our approach is agnostic to specific image processing algorithms applied on the original video. The difference from our method to LBVC is that our method uses PWC-Net, a newer method to calculate the optical flow on pytorch1.0.0 and python3.6.
- Pytorch 1.0.0
- TensorboardX
- pytorch-pwc (Code for PWC-Net on pytorch1.0 and python2.0)
- LPIPS (for evaluation)
Our code is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with cuda 9.0 and cudnn 7.0.
Download repository:
git clone git@github.com:zhaoyuzhi/Learning-Blind-Video-Temporal-Consistency-with-PWCNet.git
cd data
./download_data.sh [train | test | all]
cd ..
I used the same dataset as LBVC did. The dataset include train and test. The Dataset including origin frames and per-frame processed videos.
I have trained the W3_D1_C1_I1 task, and the trained model are in: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nz6vqzIR0p2vGWIiQDwc6pV-i5DsOAw_/view?usp=sharing
You can just download it in the folder of this repository and unzip it to get the pre-trained model.
Test pre-trained model:
python test.py -method trained_model_example -epoch 100 -dataset DAVIS -task colorization/ECCV16
The output frames are saved in data/test/trained_model_example/epoch_100/colorization/ECCV16
Train a new model:
python train.py -datasets_tasks W3_D1_C1_I1
The default parameters are specified in train.py. lists/train_tasks_W3_D1_C1_I1.txt
specifies the dataset-task pairs for training.
Test a model:
python test.py -method MODEL_NAME -epoch N -dataset DAVIS -task WCT/wave
Check the checkpoint folder for the MODEL_NAME
The output frames are saved in data/test/MODEL_NAME/epoch_N/WCT/wave/DAVIS
You can also generate results for multiple tasks using the following script:
python batch_test.py -method output/MODEL_NAME/epoch_N
which will test all the tasks in lists/test_tasks.txt
Temporal Warping Error
To compute the temporal warping error, we first need to generate optical flow and occlusion masks:
python compute_flow_occlusion.py -dataset DAVIS -phase test
The flow will be stored in data/test/fw_flow/DAVIS
. The occlusion masks will be stored in data/test/fw_occlusion/DAVIS
Then, run the evaluation script:
python evaluate_WarpError.py -method output/MODEL_NAME/epoch_N -task WCT/wave
Download LPIPS repository and change LPIPS_dir
in evalate_LPIPS.py if necesary (default path is ../LPIPS
Run the evaluation script:
python evaluate_LPIPS.py -method output/MODEL_NAME/epoch_N -task WCT/wave
Batch evaluation
You can evaluate multiple tasks using the following script:
python batch_evaluate.py -method output/MODEL_NAME/epoch_N -metric LPIPS
python batch_evaluate.py -method output/MODEL_NAME/epoch_N -metric WarpError
which will evaluate all the tasks in lists/test_tasks.txt
To test our model on new videos or applications, please follow the folder structure in ./data
Given a video, we extract frames named as %05d.jpg
and save frames in data/test/input/DATASET/VIDEO
The per-frame processed video is stored in data/test/processed/TASK/DATASET/VIDEO
, where TASK
is the image processing algorithm applied on the original video.
We use the following algorithms to obtain per-frame processed results:
Style transfer
- WCT: Universal Style Transfer via Feature Transforms, NIPS 2017
- Fast Neural Style Transfer: Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution, ECCV 2016
Image Enhancement
Intrinsic Image Decomposition
Image-to-Image Translation
- CycleGAN: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks, ICCV 2017
- Colorful Image Colorization, ECCV 2016
- Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification, Siggraph 2016
Thank for the team of LBVC, their test give a new idea to deal the problem of video temporal consistency. And thank for The team of PWC-Net providing a more efficient method to calculate optical flow.