=============== geometry-simple
3D geometry library for python. The goal is to make geometric operations simple without a deep knowledge of linear algebra.
Download the latest version of the package from https://raw.github.com/sbliven/geometry-simple/master/dist/geometry-simple-0.2.tar.gz
In the resulting package, run
sudo python setup.py install
This will install the package for all users.
The library requires numpy (http://www.numpy.org) for the underlying linear algebra.
Import the library::
from geo import *
Create some geometric objects::
origin = Point(0,0,0)
xline = Line( origin, Point(10,0,0) )
yzplane = Plane( origin, Point(0,1,0), Point(0,0,1) )
Calculate distances and angles::
dist = Point(5,5,5).distance_to(yzplane)
ang = xline.angle_to( yzplane )
Use linear regression to fit lines and planes::
from random import gauss
line_points = [ Point( gauss(x,.1), gauss(2*x,.1), 0) for x in xrange(10) ] #points around y=2x
line = Line(line_points)
plane_points = [ Point( gauss(0,10), gauss(0,10), gauss(0,.1)) for x in xrange(20) ] #points in the xy plane
plane = Plane(plane_points)
Easily apply affine transforms::
translation = Movement(origin, Point(5,-5,1))
rot90 = Movement(xline, Line(origin, Point(0,1,0)) )
This library was created by uekstrom in 2008. The original code can be found at http://code.google.com/p/geometry-simple/
The code was expanded and moved to github by Spencer Bliven in 2013.