
example pure web collectible card game

Primary LanguageHTML


no-compile minimal reactive JS Framework

main goal:

  • typesafe by jsDoc
  • can be using by cdn link
  • minimal function numbers
  • based on Proxy, , taged template string
  • can be coded a Alien Solitare game much lighter than React
  • watch is don't belong to view / render
  • raise my understandig, how can create this stuff better.
  • try the Web Animation API nature way.
  • will joining to Pure Web Fundation ??
  • I can use of dev-tools full power under development time
  • sprite sheet setup are easy, can final touch by dev-tools
  • zignal

    The name is: Z I G N A L :: a gamechanger function;

    export const STATIC = Symbol('static');
    export const DIRECT = Symbol('direct');
    /** @typedef {(root:any, target: any, prop:string, value:any) => void} Watcher */
    /** @type {<T>(watcher?: Watcher) => (state?: T | object) => T} */
    export const zignal = (watcher = () => { }) => (state = {}) => {
      let root;
      /** @type {<T>(state?: T | object) => T} */
      const innerSignal = (state) => { 
        const proxy = new Proxy(
          Array.isArray(state) ? [] : {}, 
            get: (target, prop) => target[prop],
            set: (target, prop, value) => {
              if (target?.[DIRECT]) {
                target[DIRECT](prop, target[prop], value);
              target[prop] = (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && !value[STATIC] && !value[DIRECT]) 
                ? innerSignal(value)
                : value
              watcher(root, target, prop, value);
              return true;
        Object.entries(state).map(([key, val]) => proxy[key] = val);
        return proxy;
      const end = innerSignal(state); 
      root = end;
      return root;


    • figure out invisible extra 2nd. layer of spot
    • fix game mechanic
    • make a full functional gameplay
    • make some component to build a whole game frame
    • figure out what is the next game.
    • universal cardgame engine
    • teaser animation with Web Animaiton API

    grug no able see complexity demon, but grug sense presence in code base (https://grugbrain.dev/)