Ground motion models implemented in Python.
I have recently learned that additional ground motion models have been implemented through GEM's OpenQuake Hazardlib, which I recommend checking out.
Models currently supported:
- Akkar, Sandikkaya, & Bommer (2014) with unit tests
- Atkinson & Boore (2006)
- Abrahamson, Silva, & Kamai (2014) with unit tests
- Abrahamson, Gregor, & Addo (2016) with unit tests
- Boore, Stewart, Seyhan, & Atkinson (2014) with unit tests
- Campbell (2003)
- Campbell & Bozorgnia (2014) with unit tests
- Chiou & Youngs (2014) with unit tests
- Derras, Bard & Cotton (2013) with unit tests
- Idriss (2014) with unit tests
- Pezeshk, Zandieh, & Tavakoli (2001)
- Tavakoli & Pezeshk (2005)
Conditional spectra models:
- Baker & Jayaram (2008) with unit tests
- Kishida (2017) with unit tests
Unit tests means that each test cases are used to test the implemention of the model.
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