A suite of tools for the Penny Dreadful MTGO community
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Unable to access archetype sorting page
#13379 opened by violetteavi - 0
do_push in rotation_script doesn't work on rotation end on new server
#13358 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Implement `kw` in our search
#13353 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Why was legion's landing (rank 466) listed last in list of confrimred cards?
#13347 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Support c:multicolored as the same thing as c:m
#13345 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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Implement is:booster for pdm search
#13339 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 1
/logout/?target=? opens up phishing possibilities
#13310 opened by bakert - 0
Something weird with `views` cookie
#13300 opened by bakert - 1
When downloading it gives a file called `txt`
#13239 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 1
decks that are pure emoji download as "txt" instead of a sane filename
#13238 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
/spolier works but also spits out a big stack trace because shared.pd_exception.InvalidDataException: Did not find any cards looking for `Unnatural Summons`
#13232 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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Update explain netdecking to link to metagame page instead of decks and archetypes
#13226 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 1
blinking rooms freaks out pdbot
#13206 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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Support is:party
#13193 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
we don't seem to clear rotation cache on the very last run of a sesaon for some reason?
#13192 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 2
Legal cards (text) on the website links to the website which is down
#13188 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
rotation is removed from the menu (although it still works) immediately after rotation but should probably remain at least until scryfall is updated
#13191 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
rotation changes shows nothing immediately after rotation when it would be most useful
#13190 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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Some way to "catch up" on rotation hype
#13180 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
PDBot doesn't seen PDH games because they are now played in Freeform Commander and/or Duel Commander?
#13177 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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Cranial Archive shows some weird (Arena?) version when called by bot - don't do that
#13172 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
PDBot should still say the no-show time even if it is hiding pairings and pinging all tournament players (in big tournaments)
#13162 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Meta share by season graph on all time archetype detail page should show win rate on mouseover as well as meta share
#13139 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Lose first round into tourney win as an achievement
#13037 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
It might be nice if mtgbot output split cards horizontally, at least when not in a group
#13105 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 1
mtgbot thinks there are two Ratonhnhaké꞉ton because of the funky colon
#13094 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
reddiscord.service is off on prod because it got blocked by reddit network security
#13087 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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/spoiler "works" but then gobs out a giant stack trace about mismatching column count
#13061 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 2
Flavor text doesn't work for dfcs
#13059 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Need to store flavor text per-face, per-printing not just per-printin
#13058 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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[glimpse the unthinkable] is a little broken because of Glimpse, the Unthinkable - just block all playtest cards now Scryfall has added a flag
#13043 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 3
Call from the Grave (playtest card) is counterfeting Call from the grave (real card) but it might be in scryfall not us
#13002 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: No package metadata was found for -- when running /version
#12994 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
#12998 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
#12997 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
#12996 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 1
#12995 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 1
implement cmc=odd/even for card search
#12991 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
/admin/matches explodes if you don't supply one of the match scores intead of telling you a nice error
#12985 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
Make it more obvious that the 500/kick off/500 winner banners are links
#12977 opened by vorpal-buildbot - 0
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rotation changes shows no cards rotated in until nightly job runs after rotation
#12975 opened by vorpal-buildbot