
Primary LanguagePython


This is code for applyging deeplabv3+ to glacier front delineation. the code include pre-processing, network-training, and post-processing. The Deeplab3+ codes are based on https://github.com/jfzhang95/pytorch-deeplab-xception.


git clone https://github.com/enzezhang/Front_DL3.git

cd Front_DL3

Install anaconda3


bash Anaconda3-2021.05-Linux-x86_64.sh

Create python 3 environment

conda create -n py3.6 python=3.6

conda activate py3.6

install gdal_contrast_stretch

gdal_contrast_stretch (for normalizing the histogram) https://github.com/gina-alaska/dans-gdal-scripts

Install GDAL

conda install gdal

There could be some library issues.

Install dependencies

pip install matplotlib pillow tensorboardX tqdm torch torchvision
pip install Shapely pyshp pyproj rasterio

Install GMT

  conda install -c conda-forge gmt

Setting parameter

In the file para.ini, the user need to set working_root to ${User_dir}/Front_DL3, and code dir to ${User_dir}/Front_DL3/script.

Also need to set the patch size and the data_path.

vi para.in

root dir, contain input images, training files, and sub folders (for test)

working_root =~/Front_DL3 (this is where you put Front_DL3 codes)

data path

data_path=~/greenland (this is the path of data files, it contains all the images of Greenland glaciers)

codes dir

codes_dir =~/Front_DL3/script #(for script folder within Front_DL3)

Prepare CUDA

the CUDA version should be higher than 10.1.

Download the network to ${User_dir}/Front_DL3/


Do not untar it.

train the network.

bash preparing_traindata.sh

This code will generate list/train_aug.txt that shows the training image and corresponding ground truth image (the file names of these two images are identical).

  bash exe.sh

inference the results

  bash preparing_influence.sh ${User_dir}/Front_DL3/train

  bash exe_inference.sh ${User_dir}/Front_DL3/polygon/cut_polygon.gmt drn_Jan28_2021_single_0.01_aug_momentum_0.9_from_stretch_16_batch_size.tar

need to use the full path