
The purpose of this product is to use javascript to create a password generator. This app runs in the browser and does not need any setup for it to function as it is a live, deployed link. Once the website is loaded, the user is presented with a simple rectangular UI with a button for interaction. Upon pressing the button, the user is prompted with a series of prompts to address the criteria for the password that will be generated.

The first pop-up is a prompt asking the user for a numerical input between 8 and 128 and shows an error otherwise. The next four confirm messages are to decide whether the user wants lowercase, uppercase, numerical, and/or special characters. There is an error message for when none of the options are chosen. The password is generated once the popups are correctly addressed.

Built With

Deployed Link

Screenshots and Gifs

  • Demonstration GIF
  • First Screenshot of Password Generator
  • Second Screenshot of Password Generator
  • Third Screenshot of Password Generator
  • Four Screenshot of Password Generator


  • Bradley Le


This project is licensed under the MIT License


A big thank you to my instructor and Teacher Assistants for providing the starter code and for guiding the students.