
The objective is to create an API for a social media app where users can share their thoughts and create a friends list.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


The user needs to install Node.js in order to utilize the commands to operate the application. Instructions on how to install can be found here: Installing Node


To install the packages, the user needs to run the command npm install to install the packages in package.json.

The user also needs to run the command npm run seed so they can prepopulate the database with preset data. This isn't absolutely required, but it makes it easier to view data and how it's structured.

Then the user can run the command node index.js to start the app and view the database via Insomnia or MongoDB Compass.

Built With

Video Demonstration

The videos focuses on the perspective of the user.


Screenshot of data being prepopulated through seeds

Screenshot of the routes


  • Bradley Le


This project is licensed under the MIT License