
This is a project to help out in the process of renaming a collection of episodes for a given show

Folder structure for shows

The project assumes your folder structure consists of a root parent, followed by seasons, then episodes

└── Show Name
         ├── season 01
         │   ├── episode1.xyz
         │   ├── episode2.xyz
         │   └── episode3.xyz
         └── season 02
                ├── episode1.xyz
                ├── episode2.xyz
                └── episode3.xyz


go run . -path="/path/to/your/shows/directory"

Prompt will ask for you to input a show name, IE: rick and morty (this name should match what your folder name is that contains all of your rick and morty shows)


Windows: env GOOS=windows go build -o rename_shows.exe
Linux: go build -o rename_shows

running compiled on windows: ./rename_shows.exe -path="/path/to/shows"