Bayes Workshop

Getting started

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Run julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
  3. Run julia --project scripts/weave.jl
  4. At this point all the notebooks should be available in notebooks.
  5. Finally to install R-dependencies, run julia --project -e 'include("scripts/install_deps.jl"); install_rcall_deps(); install_soss_deps()'.

NB: Make sure you're using Julia 1.6.1 or greater. You might need to replace julia with julia-1.6 in the above.


You need to install the R dependencies either through your system R or using Conda. The Conda installation can be done using the install_soss_deps function in scripts/install_deps.jl

Generating the notebooks

Run scripts/weave.jlto generate Jupyter notebooks to notebooks/{RCall,Soss,Turing}.


The original Stan code is in src/stan. The untested translations are in src/{soss,turing}. The notebook sources are located under src/weave.

Acknowledgement and License

The text in this repository is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 License and code is distributed under the New BSD License. It is based on the excellent work done by Lauren Kennedy, Jonah Gabry and Rob Trangucci in