
🐍 A simple repository where I keep my python stuff

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Stuff

A simple repository where I keep my python stuff

DISCPLAIMER: These scripts are for educational purposes only. Misuse for illegal activities is strictly prohibited. I do not hold responsibility for any damages resulting from the improper usage of these scripts

List of contents:

  • python-fetch : Legacy/one-script version of my pepefetch project

    My first ever script in python btw.

  • modmenu-template : A simple modmenu UI powered in pygame

    I started this in a impulsive manner and I don't really plan to do anything with it in the near future.

  • decimal_2_binary : Converts a decimal number to binary

    Our teacher was explaining how to convert decimal numbers to binary, I got bored and decided to make a script to do it for me instead.

  • randomness-test : A script to test the pseudorandomness of the 'random' module

    Decided to leave it here because the results are interesting.

  • binary-junk : Prints random binary numbers

    Once again I coded something useless instead of paying attention in class.

  • hex-junk : Prints random hexadecimal numbers

    Evolution of the binary-junk script.

  • net-slow : Attempts to slow the network with excessive traffic
    Beware that you can NOT stop this script once you start it!

    Can also be used as a DoS or DDoS tool.

  • ping-sweep : Detects active hosts in the network by using pings

    At the moment it only scans for the subnet mask.

  • hangman : Text based hangman game

    I also made this one while not listening in class.

  • alpha-byte-converter : Prompt that converts MiB to MB, GB to GiB, and so on.

    Why are we doing this manually in our IT class anyways?

  • byte-converter : A class to convert units of data storage easily

    Supports units from Bits to pebibytes.

  • scapy-test : Some functions using Scapy

    Includes: Fake packet, DNS query, MAC vendor lookup, Get MAC from IP, ARP Discover.

  • scapy-sniffer : Sniffs packets and prints their information

    WIP. The goal is to display the packets in an organized and readable way, and also offer easy customizability.

  • snake : Classic snake game

    Text-Based, intended to be played inside a terminal. Handles input via 'keyboard' library.

  • keyboard-macro : Macro script made using the 'keyboard' library

    Unfinished proof-of-concept, use at your own risk. Subject to change.

  • arp-spoofer : Proof-of-concept ARP reply spammer

    Class got boring, scripting this was way more entertaining.

  • mitm : Man-in-the-Middle Attack

    Based on scapy.

  • spinner : Text-based looping loading spinner

    Useless, but it looks cool. Just 10 lines of code btw.

  • whos-pkting-me : Find out who is sending all those packets!

    Useful to detect who's jamming the network.

  • udp-msg-sender : Send plaintext unencypted UDP messages

    I wanted to make a proper encrypted messaging protocol, but things got complicated, so I decided to upload the first unencrypted version here while I make the dedicated repo for this project.
    Can be used to learn how unencrypted messages can be intercepted in the network.

  • udp-msg-receiver : Receive plaintext unencrypted UDP messages

    Check 'udp-msg-sender' above for more info.

  • counting-game : Counting game to learn the powers of 2

    My teachers are not aware of my severe addiction for making dumb scripts in class.

  • pascals-triangle : Prints Pascal's triangle with X rows

    One of my teachers is somewhat aware of this "addiction".

  • bj-card-counting : A game to practice BlackJack card counting

    "You are only 20 hands of blackjack away from being a millionaire". Please gamble responsibly tho, and only bet what you can afford to lose.

  • ctkinter-test : Trying out Custom TKinter

    Some text, some buttons, and not much more.

  • rae-scraper : Web Scraper for RAE

    Gets the definitions, synonyms and antonyms of a word. Based on selenium and BeautifulSoup.
    I hope the Spanish goverment doesen't sue me.

  • rae-scraper-v2 : A better Web Scraper for RAE

    Uses pyppeteer instead of selenium, making the process faster as it doesn't actually open a brower window.

  • curses-test : Messing with the curses library

    Reject GUI, return to CLI

  • prac-flsm : Practice calculating FLSM ips

    Calculators exist, yunno?

  • prac-byte : Practice binary to decimal calculations

    I'm cooked

  • polybius-square-crypt : Simple polybius square encrypt-decrypt script

    Sorry teach, there is no way I'm doing this manually

  • alberti-crypt : Simple alberti cipher encrypt-decrypt script

    Like ceasar cipher, but wrong