
Welcome to Minihell, a simplified version of the Bash shell, written in C. This project is developed as part of the curriculum at 42 School, aiming to recreate basic functionalities of a Unix shell, similar to Bash. The name "Minihell" is a playful take on "Minishell," indicating the challenges and learning experiences faced while implementing this project.


Minihell implements several key features of a shell environment, including:

  • Command parsing and execution.
  • Signal handling (e.g., Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Z).
  • Tokenization of input for command and argument separation.
  • Error handling and output.


Make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:

  • GCC or any C compiler
  • GNU Make
  • Readline library (libreadline-dev on Debian/Ubuntu or equivalent on other systems)
  • libftprintf library (part of the project)

Building the Project

The project includes a Makefile to simplify the build process. Use the following commands to build, clean, or rebuild the project.

To compile the project, simply run:


After building the project, you can run the minishell executable with:
