Esp32 controlling tracked vehicle while streaming video. Serial console tells you where to connect. And use your own wifi credentials, not mine.

Wiring: esp32cam.jpg For the $2 motor dirver search "L298N Motor Driver".

Control: DSC02367.jpg

Build: DSC02365.jpg ESP-Cam, motor driver, 5V switching regulator.

Extern antenna: DSC02372.jpg

ESP32CAM pinout: ESP32-CAM-pinout-new.png If you experience streaming problems or low wifi range try anther xclk frequency like 16mhz. Line: config.xclk_freq_hz = 16000000;

Be aware this motor driver is only good for up to 7.2V. On 12V systems you will have to replace the R and zehner diode making 5V with a small 7805.


New simple version "ESP32webCAM_RCTANK" without the bulky script stuff, with auto reconnect and "scan wifi" to allow multiple AP's on different channels with same SSID: 625843.jpg

ESP32webCAM_RCTANKkbd is keyboard version, usre keyboard arrows or numpad to control.

Version ESP32webCAM_UDP uses UDP to control motors.This need a special UDP transmitter. See esp8266 based espnow_UDP_TX code in the source directory. Understand the RC does not go from TX to RX, but TX goes to your router and is then redispatched to RX. This is by far the smoothest control. Uses first aux channel for fwd/rev and second for light on/off.