
A Foundry VTT module which adds a speedprovider for Drag Ruler to pick between different movement options based on elevation and terrain from Enhanced Terrain Layer.

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DnD5e Drag Ruler Integration

A Foundry VTT module that aims to enhance the Drag Ruler module for use with the DnD5e system. This includes tokens being able to easily and quickly change between their different types of movement speed (swimming, flying, burrowing, and climbing) and an 'automatic' movement setting to streamline your encounter setups. You will no longer have to struggle with Wisps only showing their 0 feet walking speed, or with Dragons and their multitude of different movement speeds.

In addition this module fully supports the use of the Enhanced Terrain Layer + Terrain Ruler modules, actors and tokens can be configured to ignore certain types of terrain based on the movement speed they are currently using. Swimming in water terrain or climbing in mountain terrain is no longer a problem for your characters and creatures, even your Ranger can be configured to ignore movement penalties in their favored terrain.

Creatures can more easily use their different movement speeds.



Movement Options

A creature's movement speed can be picked by clicking a button in the Token HUD. By default this is set to automatic, which lets the module figure out what movement speed to use. There are also two keybindings (default [ and ]) to cycle through the movement modes of selected tokens.


When a creature's movement speed is set to automatic, the module uses the token's elevation to determine its movement speed. Above ground the creature will fly and below ground the creature will burrow, or swim if water terrain is present. The usage of elevation can be disabled in the speed controller settings, in which case a creature with its movement speed set to automatic will always use its highest movement speed, or water speed if water terrain is present.

Bonus Dashes

In the resource tab of the token configuration a token can be set to have access to bonus dashes, which when enabled will include an additional range band. This setting is enabled by default for creatures with features that permanently grant a bonus action dash, like Cunning Action.


Various conditions in Dnd5e affect movement and this module handles all of them. Being either dead, grappled, incapacitated, paralysed, petrified, restrained, asleep, stunned, and/or unconscious will set a creature movement range to zero. Additionally, creatures that are hasted or slowed will have their movement speed doubled or halved respectively. Prone creatures will automatically crawl, spending extra movement.

Teleportation (Experimental Setting)

Requires Terrain Ruler

Currently affected by a bug, see #42

In the resource tab of the token configuration menu a teleportation range and cost can be specified. If the teleportation range is set to a number greater than zero, cycling through that token's movement modes will include a teleportation option. When teleporting, a token will spent only the specified cost (0 by default) regardless of the actual distance moved. This allows for more fluid integration of teleportation during combat with drag ruler's movement history turned on.

A keybinding (default Q) can be held down to force a token to teleport regardless of its selected speed. Make sure to have the token selected before pressing the hotkey but do not yet start dragging it yet.

Difficult Terrain

When using Enhanced Terrain Layer and Terrain Ruler, movement costs are calculated according to DnD5e rules. This means movement costs only stack between water terrain and other terrain.

A token can be configured to ignore certain or all terrain for a certain or any movement speed. This works for individual tokens but also for prototype tokens from actors and for the default token configuration in the core settings. By default swimming will ignore water terrain and burrowing/climbing will ignore mountain terrain.

The Token HUD also contains a button to quickly toggle all difficult terrain for any movement speed for that token. A keybinding (default E) is also provided to toggle difficult terrain for selected tokens.

To help streamline the use of flying creatures, flying tokens will be treated as if they were 1 elevation higher for the purpose of ignoring difficult terrain. This eliminates the cumbersome manual changing of a token's elevation to make it ignore ground based difficult terrain before landing back on the ground. This behavior can be disabled in the settings.

Issues and Requests

Please report issues and propose requests here.


You can help translate this module here. There are a handful of languages setup to translate but please feel free to add any other language, it is quick and easy to do.


This section is for those who might want to make their own module interact with this one.


A lot of data the module uses is saved as flags on the token document under the elevation-drag-ruler namespace.

  • movementMode (READ-ONLY)
    • This flag when set contains a string of the token's last used movement mode, either walk, swim, fly, burrow, climb, or teleport.
    • This flag is not continiously updated and is only set during the onDragLeftStart function. It's ill-advised to write to this flag as it will either be overwritten or cause issues in the pipeline. Use selectedSpeed instead.
  • selectedSpeed
    • This flag when set contains a string of the token's currently selected movement speed, either auto, walk, swim, fly, burrow, climb, or teleport.
    • This flag is not set by default, in which case it can be safely assumed the token is in auto mode.
    • Although untested it should be safe to write to this flag.
  • hasBonusDash
    • This flag when set (true/false) indicates whether or not a token should have a bonus dash range.
    • This flag is set in the token configuration menu.
    • This flag is not set by default, in which case the module will fall back to looking for the Cunning Action feature. This does not update the flag itself!
    • Although untested it should be safe to write to this flag.
  • teleportRange
    • This flag contains a number related to the optional teleport movement option.
    • This flag is set in the token configuration menu (default 0).
    • A token will be able to select the teleport movement option when this number is greater than zero.
    • Although untested it should be safe to write to this flag.
  • teleportCost
    • This flag contains a number related to the optional teleport movement option.
    • This flag is controlled by the token configuration menu (default 0).
    • Although untested it should be safe to write to this flag.
  • keybindForceTeleport (READ-ONLY)
    • This flag returns true for controlled tokens when holding down the Force Teleport keybind (default Q).
    • This flag should not be written to manually, as it will likely be overwritten before it can be used. Use forceTeleport instead.
  • forceTeleport (WRITE-ONLY)
    • This flag when true will force the token to use its teleport movement mode, regardless of its selectedSpeed.
    • This flag is not set at all by this module and is only meant to provide a means for macros and other modules to force a teleportation. Make sure to manually reset the flag too!
  • ignoredEnvironments
    • This flag when set contains the data of the terrain configuration in the form of an object of objects. The object contains all terrain ids from Enhanced Terrain Layer and an all, each of which has its value set to another object of all movement speeds and an any which are set to true/false (true meaning to ignore this terrain for this movement speed).
    • The "Toggle Terrain" button added to the token HUD also uses this flag, specifically ignoredEnvironments.all.any.
    • The object can be navigated like normal, for example ignoredEnvironments.desert.fly.
    • This flag is not set by default, in which case the default array found in the getConfiguredEnvironments() function is used.
    • Although untested it should be safe to write to this flag.
    • I do not recommend changing the structure of this flag. The configuration menu will reflect any changes but any new terrains or movement speeds will not behave well.


Various utility functions are exposed under game.modules.get('elevation-drag-ruler').api.

  • getConfiguredEnvironments(tokenDocument)
    • Returns the ignoredEnviroments flag of a token, see above. If it does not exist it will instead return the default object.
  • getHighestMovementSpeed(tokenDocument)
    • Returns the value of the highest movement speed of a token.
  • getTokenSpeeds(tokenDocument)
    • Returns an array of available movement modes the token might have selected.
    • Always includes 'auto'.
  • getMovementMode(token)
    • Returns the movement mode that the module will use if the token starts being dragged.
    • This does not update the movementMode flag of the token.

Example Code

Teleport Toggle

//Retrieve the controlled tokens.
const tokens = canvas.tokens.controlled;
//For each token, check if their forceTeleport flag is true.
//If so, set it to false otherwise set it to true.
tokens.forEach((token) => {
	const forceTeleport = token.document.getFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'forceTeleport');
	if (forceTeleport) token.document.setFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'forceTeleport', false);
	else token.document.setFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'forceTeleport', true);

Difficult Terrain Toggle

//Retrieve the controlled tokens.
const tokens = canvas.tokens.controlled;
//Iterate over each token.
tokens.forEach((token) => {
        //Grab the current configured terrain settings, or if they don't exist provide a default configuration.
	const configuredEnvironments = token.document.getFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'ignoredEnvironments') || {'all': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'arctic': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'coast': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'desert': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'forest': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'grassland': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'jungle': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'mountain': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': true, 'climb': true}, 'swamp': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'underdark': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'urban': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'water': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': true, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}};
	//Toggle the setting to ignore all terrain for any movemement speed.
	if (configuredEnvironments.all.any) configuredEnvironments.all.any = false;
	else configuredEnvironments.all.any = true;
	//Update the token flag.
	token.document.setFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'ignoredEnvironments', configuredEnvironments);

Disable Difficult Terrain

//Retrieve the controlled tokens.
const tokens = canvas.tokens.controlled;
//Iterate over each token.
tokens.forEach((token) => {
        //Grab the current configured terrain settings, or if they don't exist provide a default configuration.
	const configuredEnvironments = token.document.getFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'ignoredEnvironments') || {'all': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'arctic': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'coast': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'desert': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'forest': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'grassland': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'jungle': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'mountain': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': true, 'climb': true}, 'swamp': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'underdark': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'urban': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': false, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}, 'water': {'any': false, 'walk': false, 'swim': true, 'fly': false, 'burrow': false, 'climb': false}};
	//Configure the setting to ignore extra movement costs for ALL terrain for ANY movement speed.
	configuredEnvironments.all.any = true;
	//Update the token flag.
	token.document.setFlag('elevation-drag-ruler', 'ignoredEnvironments', configuredEnvironments);

As the MIT license suggests, feel free (and encouraged) to copy and adapt my code to work with any other rpg system.