
About the project

I created this project to dive deep into Distributed Systems programming and go beyond what I learn in class. This project demonstrates the implementation of serial, parallel and distributed version of Dijkstra's algorithm to solve Single Source Shortest Path problem for directed unweighted graph.

To generate input graphs

  1. Create a file called testGraph.txt , with the list of edges (one edge on each line in "<source> <destination>" form) in the graph. For example,

    1 2
    2 3
  2. Run input_graphs/SNAPtoBinary testGraph.txt testGraphConverted. This will create testGraphConverted.csr and testGraphConverted.csc files which are CSR and CSC representations of the graph.

  3. To use the graphs in your solutions, use the command line argument --inputFile "testGraphConverted".

  4. Note that you can also convert any large graphs form the Stanford repository (https://snap.stanford.edu/data/index.html) by downloading the graph file then using the same SNAPtoBinary script above.


  1. To compile all the code, use the following command.

  2. To compile the serial implementation, use the following command.

    make SSSP_serial
  3. To compile the parallel implementation, use the following command.

    make SSSP_parallel
  4. To compile the distributed implementation, use the following command.

    make SSSP_MPI

To run the serial implementation

  1. To run the executable of the serial implementation, use the following command.

    ./SSSP_serial --sourceVertex 1 --inputFile absolute_path_of_input_graph --y_or_n yes

    --sourceVertex: the ID of the source vertex

    --inputeFile: absolute path of the input graph

    --y_or_n: whether or not to print out the shortest path

  2. Run the executable file SSSP_serial on Slurm cluster: create a a bash script in the following format:

    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    #SBATCH --time=05:00
    #SBATCH --mem=10G
    #SBATCH --partition=fast
    srun ./SSSP_serial --sourceVertex 1 --inputFile absolute_path_of_input_graph --y_or_n yes

    run it on Slurm by command:

    sbatch filename.sh

To run the parallel implementation

  1. To run the executable of the parallel implementation, use the following command.

    ./SSSP_parallel --nThreads 4 --sourceVertex 1 --inputFile [absolute_path_of_input_graph] --displayOutput [yes/no]

    --nThreads: number of threads

    --sourceVertex: the ID of the source vertex

    --inputFile: the absolute path of the input graph

    --displayOutput: whether to print out the result of the shortest path

  2. Run the executable file SSSP_parallel on Slurm cluster: create a a bash script in the following format:

    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
    #SBATCH --time=05:00
    #SBATCH --mem=10G
    #SBATCH --partition=fast
    srun ./SSSP_parallel --nThreads 4 --sourceVertex 1 --inputFile [absolute_path_of_input_graph] --displayOutput [yes/no]

    run it on Slurm by command:

    sbatch filename.sh

To run the distributed implementation

  1. Run the executable file SSSP_MPI locally:

​ type the following command in terminal:

mpirun -n num_processes ./SSSP_MPI --sourceVertex vertex_num --inputFile path_of_graph --y_or_n str 

​ Arguments:

--num_precesses: indicates the number of processes used

--sourceVertex: indicates the vertex number of the source vertex

--inputFile: indicates the path of the input graph

--y_or_n: can only be "yes" or "no". "yes" indicates printing out the detailed result, "no" indicates otherwise.

​ sample command:

mpirun -n 4 ./SSSP_MPI --sourceVertex 0 --inputFile input_graphs/testG1 --y_or_n yes
  1. Run the executable file SSSP_MPI on Slurm cluster: create a a bash script in the following format:
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --partition=fast
#SBATCH --mem=10G

srun ./SSSP_MPI --sourceVertex 0 --inputFile input_graphs/testG1 --y_or_n yes

​ options: ​ --ntasks: indicates the number of processes used

​ run it on Slurm by command:

sbatch filename.sh