- 0
`onwarn` function doesn't work
#247 opened by Sanshain - 1
ParseError: \src\@prefresh\nollup\src\runtime.js
#245 opened by Sanshain - 2
Nollup not compatible with Rollup 3
#244 opened by woutervanvliet - 1
Can't use `rollup.config.mjs`
#241 opened by fkrauthan - 0
remove path from output index.html file
#243 opened by ELI7VH - 3
DevServer API error on CommonJs: TypeError: plugin.execute[hook].apply is not a function
#239 opened by afialapis - 7
Nollup not guessing output.globals names
#236 opened by afialapis - 3
Support for TypeScript rollup config
#229 opened by cdauth - 4
- 4
"Connection" header overwritten by proxy for WS
#228 opened by MilanKladivko - 17
if (module) { } can cause a potential error.
#234 opened by CodePsy-2001 - 2
facing ParseError: /node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js/jsx-runtime.js
#233 opened by Ajay-Govindasamy - 1
facing ParseError: /node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js/jsx-runtime.js
#232 opened by Ajay-Govindasamy - 10
- 6
Support of AMD format?
#221 opened by wangjia184 - 5
- 3
Import error JsZip
#215 opened by risalfajar - 9
npm link nollup build to my app
#220 opened by itaydafna - 2
Add missing resolveId options
#218 opened by PepsRyuu - 1
Nollup for backend
#217 opened by derolf - 1
HTTPS - Exposing ca option
#216 opened by rac146 - 15
Issue with solid-refresh plugin and HMR
#213 opened by high1 - 9
- 3
Symlink handling is inconsistent
#211 opened by charlag - 5
- 5
- 6
0.18.0 broke some imports
#208 opened by charlag - 1
Nollup get stuck constantly building if there are file modifications by plugins after a build
#207 opened by YonicDev - 5
Replace express-ws with something newer?
#200 opened by talentlessguy - 6
different type of imported sweetalert2
#203 opened by yus-ham - 7
- 8
Debugging in VS Code?
#201 opened by zgoda - 3
#202 opened by jakobrosenberg - 9
Newer versions of Nollup break with Svelte
#196 opened by jakobrosenberg - 16
React/Vue SSR examples
#199 opened by talentlessguy - 1
Struggling to setup/debug dev-middleware
#198 opened by peter-mouland - 7
Support rollup context/moduleContext config options
#194 opened by pakomp - 6
where is plugin svelte error detail?
#195 opened by yus-ham - 3
Feature Root path
#193 opened by shiftmeplease - 3
- 5
SharedWorker doesn't work
#191 opened by danbulant - 4
- 7
Plugin error reporting is raw JSON instead of pretty
#183 opened by mizzao - 4
Dynamic import path mismatch
#184 opened by rturnq - 1
Proxy routes glob?
#182 opened by frederikhors - 2
Final slash (/) using proxy option
#181 opened by frederikhors - 6
- 11
- 5
Trouble with HMR & NollupDevMiddleware
#177 opened by CreaturesInUnitards - 4
Cannot GET /
#176 opened by sooxt98