
Heat Map :fire: Generation codes for using PyTorch and CAM Localization Algorithm.

Primary LanguagePython

Class Activation Map Localization

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  • OS : Linux
  • Python : 3.7.6
  • CPU : i7-6700HQ ~2.60GHz
  • GPU : GTX 1060 6GB


Transform sequence :

normalize = transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
        transformList = []

where imageSize = 224.


This Class Activation Map is generated using a single DenseNet-121 based model. The model pipeline is as shown below:

DenseNet-121 Pipeline

Algorithm and Explanation

CNN Localization

CAM algorithm used here works on similar lines of what has been shown above.

  • We take in a image and pass it through the transformation pipeline and finally flatten it, to feed it to the convolutional densenet121 base.

  • output = self.model(input.cuda()) is the output of the final relu Activation layer of DenseNet.

  • self.weights = list(self.model.parameters())[-2] are the 1024 weights of the second-last layer of the model convolutional base.

  • The heatmap generated will be the weighted average of the 2D Sub-Tensors of the 4D Output Tensor over the entire convolutional base output. So, the final heatmap is => heatmap += self.weights[i] * output[0,i,:,:] with i ranging from 0 to len(self.weights) which is 1024

  • Finally we complete the average and make sure that its a float32 image.

  npHeatmap = heatmap.cpu().data.numpy()
  cam = npHeatmap / np.max(npHeatmap)
  • We have the heatmap now 😄

Finally Some Example Images 🤓


  • This repo here helped me a lot.

  • This paper about Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization here explains the algorithm.