
Long-term fertilization and disturbance effects on wetland plant community diversity

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Long-term fertilization and mowing experiment at the West Research Campus, Greenville, NC, East Carolina University

This repository contains open-source code, data, & text files for

For information regarding the project, please visit: Goodwillie, C., M. W. McCoy, and A. L. Peralta. 2020. Long-term nutrient enrichment, mowing, and ditch drainage interact in the dynamics of a wetland plant community. Ecosphere 11(10):e03252. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3252

We address the following questions

  • Aim 1.): How does long-term fertilization and disturbance (by mowing) influence wetland plant diversity?

  • Aim 2.): How does long-term fertilization and disturbance (by mowing) influence wetland obligate plant species?

Repo Contents

  • analyses:: An R Markdown file that includes R script written by Mike McCoy, Mario Muscarella, and Ariane Peralta containing functions used in analysis of plant species data.

  • data:: Files associated with soil and plant data sets.

  • figures:: Figures (of plant community composition) generated according to R script located in R Markdown file.


Dr. Carol Goodwillie: Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, East Carolina University.

Dr. Mike McCoy: Co-Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, East Carolina University.

Dr. Ariane Peralta: Co-Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, East Carolina University.

Dr. Mario Muscarella: Postdoc in the O'Dwyer Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign