
What is BE_CameraRoot in Level?

cqx28402 opened this issue · 2 comments

when I prepare target Level map before generates sequences, I want to create a Level contains following actors:

  • BE_CineCameraActor_Blueprint attached to empty BE_CameraRoot actor
  • BE_GroundTruthLogger

I can find BE_CineCameraActor_Blueprint and BE_GroundTruthLogger in core file, but I don't know what is BE_CameraRoot actor.
In fact, I can create LevelSequences without adding BE_CameraRoot actor to Level and render the movie successfully.
I'm confused about it. Thanks

tpsmpi commented

BE_CameraRoot is a basic Actor (Place Actors>Actor) at origin with the name BE_CameraRoot. It is used to setup up a simple camera rig for basic orbiting. It is used for sequences where you want to randomize the camera location/rotation for each sequence for static cameras which are offset from the target center and should face the center area.
See cameraroot option in for details.
You also need it if you want to create your own project specific orbit camera template for camera movements during a sequence. See #9.

I understand now. Thank you for your answer.