Dynamic Metronome

Dynamic Metronome is an Android metronome application that allows for easy programming of tempos. Even people who do not know how to write code can program this metronome. Designed first and foremost as a learning tool for me, Dynamic Metronome aims to be a fully featured metronome. Given that it meets my quality standards, I will release it on the Google Play Store.

Current Goals

  • Learn Kotlin and create a metronome class
  • Add support for programs
    • Add initial support
    • Create in-app editor
    • Add support for saving to a file
    • Add support for reading from a file, editing and overwriting
  • Make the UI look good and be easy to use
    • Add a play head in the program editor
    • Make the number picker on the home-screen horizontal
    • Add support for sound profiles (readable from files perhaps)
    • Add support for horizontal viewing
    • +n bpm on home screen
    • Randomize tempo option
  • Add support for musical phenomenon in programs and by default
    • Tempo
    • Time signatures
    • Subdivisions
  • Advanced program editing
    • Option for 8-and-in
    • Moving sections of the program
    • Copying sections of the program
    • Copying sections of other program