Brain Tumor Dataset

This dataset1 contains 232x300-pixel images of brain image scans.

The data can be used to build and train an ML model that can detect brain tumors.


This repo has the following structure:

  • /data: contains the images of brain scans. The yes subdirectory contains brain scan images with tumors, and the no subdirectory contains brain scan images without tumors. The following are example images from the respective subdirectories:


  • /data/data.csv: CSV file that maps the images to "yes" and "no" labels for use in loading the data into PerceptiLabs. "yes" means the image contains a brain tumor, and "no" means the image doesn't contain a brain tumor.

The following shows a partial example of the data stored in the CSV file:

images labels
yes/Y38.jpg yes
no/no 3.jpg no


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1 Dataset Credits: