
Anonymous chatting app using tor. You can chat with your friends anonymously.

Primary LanguagePython



Anonymous chatting app using tor. You can chat with your friends anonymously.

How to set up this private server: (this is tutorial for complete noobs) Server setup: CASUAL SETUP WITHOUT TOR download the file for linux use git clone git clone https://github.com/Perchant76/Project-Charon change host to your IP. change port to whatever you want but I would recommend something in this range: 1000-99999


SERVER SETUP: download the file or if youre using linux use git git clone https://github.com/Perchant76/Project-Charon IF are you are using Linux server make sure you have tor installed on your device Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install tor Arch: sudo pacman -S tor edit server.py file: I would recomend to use custom port for your server bcs lot of servers are getting scanned everyday and some ports are well known :D As port number you can use something in this range: 1000-99999


nano /etc/tor/torrc look for ########################### This is section is just for location-hidden services ### here change this: #HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ #HiddenServicePort 80 to this HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ HiddenServicePort <custom-port><custom-port> RUN THE TOR SERVICE: sudo tor if we want to stop this service just use ctrl+c or if its running in background use: pidof tor copy id and use kill to kill the process: sudo kill <id> now open new screen/terminal and start server python3 server.py Have fun!!!

Client setup:

Linux: git clone https://www.github.com/Perchant76/Project-Charon Windows: just click on the code button and Download ZIP Mac OS: git clone https://www.github.com/Perchant76/Project-Charon !!!Dont share client.py with random people.!!! Reason for that is that the IP of server is not hidden and someone experieced can do malicious stuff with your or the server IP. If the server is running without tor just change the to IP of the server. If using the tor version change to
Use PyInstaller and encode it to .exe py -m PyInstaller client.py