
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Talk. Spark. Gather

Discover real-time conversations, nearby

###Development approach Prior to any hard coding or build, The team brainstormed possible ideas and technologies we'd like to use in our project. Once an idea was established, we began wireframing and researching the documentation on the technologies we'd like to use.


![image](http://i.imgur.com/ucAcKkR.jpg(./pic/pic1_50.png =850x375)) ![image](http://i.imgur.com/Ne3nvX6.jpg(./pic/pic1_50.png =350x205)) image image

Team Workflow

######Trello We used Trello to manage our product, technical requirements and work flow. image

######Github ![image](http://i.imgur.com/9GA4pTT.jpg(./pic/pic1_50.png =850x375))

######Code Style We established a best practices code style to keep our code uniform and appear as if it were written by 1 person.


  • In-person
  • Slack
  • Group text


  • misallocation of bandwidth
  • broken line of communication
  • adaptable decision making

###Technologies Used

  • MEN Stack
  • Heroku
  • GitHub
  • Dependencies
    • bcrypt-nodejs
    • body-parser
    • connect-flash
    • cookie-parser
    • ejs
    • express
    • express-session
    • method override
    • mongoose
    • morgan
    • passport
    • passport-facebook
    • passport-google-oauth

Install: npm install 'dependecy name' --save

###User Stories

####-As a convo seeker I use the site to discover real-time conversations, nearby

>####-As a convo seeker I'm able to join and participate in real time convos in person
>####-As a convo seeker it's easy to start a convo with anyone on fogo
>####-As convo starter I broadcast my location and the topics I'm open to talking about
>####-As a convo starter my friends and I broadcast our Word Cloud showing a real time new like ticker to show how our conversation is constantly changing
>####-As a convo starter I'm able to share real time audio and photos of a conversation I'm having with another person or group of friends

#####user experience

  • Users will be able to log in to Fogo using their own Facebook accounts.

  • Users will be able to only participate in one conversation at a time.

  • Users we will be able to view their own current and past conversations of other users they have talked too.

  • Users will be able link to a users profile but can’t access that users convos.

  • If a User leaves our app or logs out, it will end their convo and pins will be removed from the map.

###Future Features