
Error: Unable to parse xml for: mysql

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Using the latest mysql_prm (Version 20140901101510), Issue #8 remains unresolved.
I'm on Centos 6.5 (and RHEL 6.5):

Latest version of mysql_prm produces this error.

$ pcs resource describe ocf:percona:mysql
Resource options for: ocf:percona:mysql
Error: Unable to parse xml for: mysql

Although commit 741e860 claims to solve the problem, it does not. The only change in that commit is to the version number.

I have made the following patch locally to fix the problem:

--- mysql.orig  2014-10-29 00:22:19.954100868 -0700
+++ mysql   2014-10-29 00:14:08.970863412 -0700
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_geo_remote_IP}=""
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_booth_master_ticket}=${OCF_RESKEY_booth_master_ticket_default}
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_post_promote_script}=""
-: ${OCF_RESKEY_prm_binlog_parser_path}="`which prm_binlog_parser` 2> /dev/null"
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_prm_binlog_parser_path}="`which prm_binlog_parser 2> /dev/null`"

 : ${OCF_RESKEY_async_stop=${OCF_RESKEY_async_stop_default}}
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_try_restart_crashed_master=${OCF_RESKEY_try_restart_crashed_master_default}}

in mysql_prm56, this works for me on RHEL6.5:

pcs resource describe ocf:percona:mysql_prm56 2>&1 | head -n 16

Resource options for: ocf:percona:mysql_prm56
binary: Location of the MySQL server binary
client_binary: Location of the MySQL client binary
config: Configuration file
datadir: Directory containing databases
user: User running MySQL daemon
group: Group running MySQL daemon (for logfile and directory permissions)
log: The logfile to be used for mysqld.
pid: The pidfile to be used for mysqld.
socket: The socket to be used for mysqld.

And indeed. this fails for mysql_prm:

pcs resource describe ocf:percona:mysql_prm

Resource options for: ocf:percona:mysql_prm
Error: Unable to parse xml for: mysql_prm