pquery is an open-source (GPLv2 licensed) multi-threaded test program, written in C++, created to stress test the MySQL server (in any flavor), either randomly or sequentially, for QA purposes.
- ablekhGartner Inc.
- abychkoNovosibirsk
- ajax4secInstitute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
- anirudhaAmazon (AWS)
- archon810Illogical Robot LLC
- ardabeyazogluLjubljana, Slovenia
- ashmatov
- d-salodki@Kufar
- denjiKyiv, UA
- ilnarbMail.Ru Group
- juabyJD
- krizhanovskyTempesta Technologies
- ldming@apecloud
- lenmore
- lucidInsomniac
- ly20119
- martianzhangKe
- meyeniiKanagawa
- ming535Mobike
- Mount565Beijing
- nanne007
- PurpleCatfishUkriane
- Qsinzheng
- rameshvs02MariaDB
- raywillAlibaba, Ant Financial
- rizaTrendyol
- RoelVdP
- shawnbuttshere, i think
- SulverusRussia, Moscow
- xiamingwudi狼厂
- xnervwangMicrosoft
- XuHuaiyu@pingcap
- yarnping
- zhangysh1995Tencent
- ZupoLlask