

This repo is the answer to this Mini Test Assignment:

Create a RESTful API that will allow:
● User Registration
● User Login
● User can CRUD shapes of type:
  - Triangle
  - Rectangle
  - Square
  - Diamond
● User can request for shapes’ (note: these should be computed on the fly):
  - Area
  - Perimeter

APIs' structures developed in this repository are described in api/postman.

Note about project:

  • This project is structured as Clean Architecture.
  • Entities and usecases are tested with automation tests.
  • Since the time constraints, API tests are tested manually, not automatically.
  • CRUD operations for shapes contains:
    • Create single shape
    • Get single shape by id
    • Update single shape
    • Delete single shape

Getting Started


  • Docker & Docker Compose
  • Golang 1.17

Setup Env Variables

The environment variables are illustrated in .env.example file at the root of the project.

To overwrite those env variables, create a new file .env and overwrite the desired env variables.


To setup dev environment:

make dev_up
  • Note: This will run docker-compose and spin up mysql db with an phpMyAdmin as DB GUI at localhost:8081.
  • Please be patient, it will take few minutes to get everything prepared.

To stop db and db gui:

make dev_down
  • Note: This will stop the db and db gui containers. However, it does not wipe out all data, and can be turned on again with "make dev_up" command.

To wipe out all database of dev mode, run:

make dev_db_clean
  • Note: must run "make dev_down" first.

To run code in Dev mode:

make dev


To run test:

make test


Setup DB Must have a DB created with the name `shape`, the sql script is located at `./init/db/schemas.sql`.

To build the executable file:

make build
  • The built file will be located at build/main.

To run the built file:



  • The .env file must be created with an APP_ENV equals to prod.
  • APP_DOMAINS must be defined, since this will run with SSL certificate provided by Let's Encrypt.
  • .env must be located at the current command execution path (e.g. located at root of repo when running above command).