🐍 Monty Interpreter

Welcome to the Monty Bytecode Interpreter. This interpreter was built in the C language and is compliant with ISO90, ISO99, & ISO11. It reads Monty bytecode files of any extension (preferably .m although it doesn't matter), and interprets the opcodes contained.

Our interpreter can be run as either a stack (LIFO) or queue (FIFO). Mode can be switched mid-script. The interpreter can handle a variety of Monty opcodes, including printing, mathematical operations, and more - all handled opcodes are listed below.

⚠️ Prerequisites

  • Must have git installed.

  • Must have repository cloned.

$ sudo apt-get install git

⬇️ Installing and Using

Clone the repository into a new directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/titoausten/monty.git

Compile with the following:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o monty

Run the interpreter on a file:

./monty file.m

🔧 Monty Opcodes

  • push

    • Usage: push <int>
    • Pushes an element to the stack.
    • The parameter <int> must be an integer.
  • pall

    • Prints all values in the stack/queue, starting from the top.
  • pint

    • Prints the top value of the stack/queue.
  • pop

    • Removes the top element of the stack/queue.
  • swap

    • Swaps the top two elements of the stack/queue.
  • nop

    • Does not do anything.
  • add

    • Adds the top two elements of the stack/queue.
    • The result is stored in the second element from the top and the top element is popped.
  • sub

    • Subtracts the top element of the stack/queue from the second element from the top.
    • The result is stored in the second element from the top and the top element is removed.
  • mul

    • Multiplies the top two elements of the stack/queue.
    • The result is stored in the second element from the top and the top element is removed.
  • div

    • Divides the second element from the top of the stack/queue by the top element.
    • The result is stored in the second element from the top and the top element is removed.
  • mod

    • Computes the modulus of the second element from the top of the stack/queue divided by the top element.
    • The result is stored in the second element from the top and the top element is removed.
  • pchar

    • Prints the character value of the top element of the stack/queue.
    • The integer at the top is treated as an ASCII value.
  • pstr

    • Prints the string contained in the stack/queue.
    • Prints characters element by element until the stack/queue is empty, a value is 0, or an error occurs.
  • rotl

    • Rotates the top element of the stack/queue to the bottom.
  • rotr

    • Rotates the bottom element of the stack/queue to the top.
  • stack

    • Switches a queue to stack mode.
  • queue

    • Switches a stack to queue mode.

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