
Scripts to install software and configs after installing linux (Kubuntu)

Primary LanguageShell


A set of scripts that will make your life easier right after you installed a fresh copy of Kubuntu. However, with some modifications could be used on any Ubuntu-based distros.


  • Remove snapd
  • Set new hostname
  • Set new swapiness
  • Add Oibaf graphics drivers repository
  • Add Kubuntu Backports repository
  • Install Google Chrome
  • Install Microsoft Edge (Beta)
  • Install Skype
  • Install Signal
  • Install Zoom
  • Install Discord
  • perform full system upgrade and disable KDE Baloo indexer


  • Install Atom
  • Install Jetbrains Toolbox
  • Install Docker and Docker Compose
  • Install ctop
  • Install Slack
  • Install Microsoft Teams
  • Install PhpStorm URL handler
  • Install AWS CLI v2
  • Install K8s Lens


  • Install git, vim, mc, yakuake, powerline, ...
  • Install mononoki Nerd Font
  • Copy predefined configs


Ubuntu-based distros has a DNS name resolution issue with systemd-resolved. Most easy and common way to fix it is to change symlink or /etc/resolv.conf to point to correct file.


Other solution is to replace it with dnsmasq. Fast and easy.


Other way to solve DNS issues on Ubuntu is to use dnscrypt-proxy. Increases your security level, however not tested it with VPNs.