
A collection of modules, tools and resources for play1

Awesome Play1 play-isthe1! Awesome

A collection of awesome Play 1.x modules, tools, and resources.

Inspired by awesome-php, awesome-python, frontend-dev-bookmarks and awesome-ruby.

Contributions are always welcome!


Lists all the modules available with the following badges :

Badge Meaning
registered on playframework.com/modules the module is registered in playframework.com/modules. The badge points to the registered page.
registered on playframework.com/modules the module is not registered in playframework.com/modules. You have to add an external repository in your dependencies.yml file. The badge points to the official module page.
![mavenized](http://img.shields.io/badge/ -mavenized-blue.svg?style=flat) the module is available in MavenCentral thanks to the maven-play-plugin. The badge poins to the maven repository of the module.
![Updated since the play module registry was frozen](http://img.shields.io/badge/ -updated-ff69b4.svg?style=flat) the module has been updated since playframework.com/modules has been frozen. The badge points to the official module page.

The modules are divided in the following categories :

If you want to contribute information about a module, please refer to the guide.






  • [akka] Akka support registered on playframework.com/modules Allows you to configure akka through The Play! framework’s conf/application.conf file.
  • [camel] Camel registered on playframework.com/modules A EIP + Messaging module for the Play! Framework
  • [pusher] Pusher registered on playframework.com/modules This module lets you easily add realtime functionality to your Play applications with Pusher using websockets.
  • [rabbitmq] RabbitMQ registered on playframework.com/modules RabbitMQ offers a highly available and scalable, and yet lightweight, messaging system.





  • [jersey] Jersey registered on playframework.com/modules Integrates Jersey into the Play! Framework.
  • [resteasy] RESTEasy Play! module registered on playframework.com/modules The RESTEasy Play! module allows you to define JAX-RS RESTful web services in the Play! Framework using RESTEasy.
  • [resteasycrud] RESTEasy CRUD module registered on playframework.com/modules The Play! RESTEasy CRUD module which allows you to automagically generate your RESTful CRUD resources for a given model
  • [swagger] Swagger registered on playframework.com/modules Creates a self-documenting meta-description for REST APIs which allows for code-gen, UI-sandbox, and test framework.


  • [crudsiena] CRUD for Siena registered on playframework.com/modules Offers a fully usable web interface for your Siena Model objects with a few more features than default [crud] module.
  • [mocha] Mocha registered on playframework.com/modules An implementation of mocha UI javascript interface for Play!
  • [play-bootstrap] Basic bootstrap scaffolding registered on playframework.com/modules Creating Bootstrap based applications (derived from the default [scaffold] module).
  • [scaffold] Scaffold registered on playframework.com/modules Scaffold will generate basic scaffolding for bootstrapping a project from your JPA or Senia entities








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To the extent possible under law, PerfectCarl has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.