
An Example Blog & Mustache Template System for Perfect

Primary LanguageSwift

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An Example Blog & Mustache Template System for Perfect

This project demonstrates the following:

  • Mustache templating
  • URL routing and handlers
  • URL Variables
  • Static file serving
  • SQLite3 database setup, and search.

This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project.

Ensure you have installed Xcode 8.0 or later.

Setup - Xcode 8

  • Check out or download the project;
  • In terminal, navigate to the directory and execute
swift package generate-xcodeproj
  • Open Perfect-Blog-Mustache.xcodeproj

Due to the complexity of running static file serving from Xcode, we suggest running this project from Terminal.

Setup - Terminal

  • Check out or download the project;
  • In terminal, navigate to the directory
  • Execute swift build
  • Once the project has compiled, execute ./.build/debug/Perfect-Blog-Mustache
[INFO] Starting HTTP server on with document root ./webroot


Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit perfect.org.