
cmdline tool for bulk updating kubernetes config files

Primary LanguageGo


cmdline tool for bulk updating kubernetes config files


go get github.com/PeriscopeData/bulkube/... && \
go install github.com/PeriscopeData/bulkube/...

Note: Go's vendoring can cause weird reflection issues. If you cannot run the binary, try

rm -rf $GOPATH/src/k8s.io/vendor


$GOPATH/bin/bulkube [-l <labelSelector>] [-fmt] [-image <repo/name>] [-sha abc123] -path <dir-or-file>

    	Reformat even if version does not change.
  -image string
    	Image to modify. Only modifies containers that match this image/repository. If @sha256: is included, will use that as sha.
  -l string
    	Filter deployments by label.
  -sha string
    	Set image version by sha.
  -path string
    	Path to modify files