
CVR does ship with yt-dlp

Opened this issue · 2 comments

this isn't really an issue, this is more of just me wanting to inform you that cvr does in fact use yt-dlp, the .exe just gets renamed to "youtube-dl.exe" whenever it gets downloaded. (game does a checksum and then downloads a new version if needed, there have been occasions where the exe has downloaded and gotten corrupted, you can simply just delete the youtube-dl.exe out of your game files and the game will auto-download the latest version from the github page.
image of the details of youtube-dl in cvr's files

ah okeh.

Well that's good news.

but it seems on my case that it's still just did not appear on here no matter what. Must be Windows permission issues. You know, I'm using Windows 11, so could be it?

(Screenshot appears to be Windows 10) perhaps, If I had Windows 10 lying around, I would test it.

For now, let's just ensure the permission, or just let it. download it manually.