
Encode/Obfuscate IDs used in URLs

Primary LanguagePerl

    Dancer::Plugin::EncodeID - Encode/Decode (or obfuscate) IDs in URLs

    version 0.02

            use Dancer;
            use Dancer::Plugin::EncodeID;

            set show_errors => true;

            # Set the secret key (better yet: put this in your config.yml)
            setting plugins => { EncodeID => { secret => 'my_secret_key' } };

            # Generate an encoded/obfuscaed ID in URL
            # When the user visits this page, she will see URLs such as:
            #   http://myserver.com/item/c98ea08a8e8ad715
            # instead of
            #   http://myserver.com/item/42
            get '/' => sub {

                    # Any ID (numeric or alpha-numeric) you want to obfuscate
                    my $clear_text_id = int(rand(42)+1);

                    # Encode the ID, generate the URL
                    my $encoded_id = encode_id($clear_text_id);
                    my $url = request->uri_for("/item/$encoded_id");

                    return "Link for Item $clear_text_id: <a href=\"$url\">$url</a>";

            # Decode a given ID, show the requested item
            get '/item/:encoded_id' => sub {
                    # Decode the ID back to clear-text
                    my $clear_text_id = decode_id( params->{encoded_id} ) ;

                    return "Showing item '$clear_text_id'";


    `encode_id(ID [,PREFIX])' - Encodes the given ID, returns the encoded
    hash value. If "PREFIX" is given, it will be added to the ID before
    encoding. It can be used when decoding to verify the decoded value is

    `decode_id(ID [,PREFIX])' - Decodes the given ID, returns the original
    (cleartext) ID value. If "PREFIX" is given, it will be used to verify
    the validity of the ID.

    This module aims to make it as easy as possible to obfuscate internal
    IDs when using them in a URL given to users. Instead of seeing
    http://myserver.com/item/42 users will see
    http://myserver.com/item/c98ea08a8e8ad715 . This will prevent nosy users
    from trying to iterate all items based on a simple ID in the URL.

    Configuration requires a secret key at a minimum.

    Either put this in your config.yml file:

            secret: 'my_secret_password'

    Or set the secret key at run time, with:

        setting plugins => { EncodeID => { secret => 'my_secret_code' } };

    Assaf Gordon, `<gordon at cshl.edu>'

    THIS MODULE IS NOT SECURE. The encoded ID are not strongly encrypted in
    any way. The goal is obfuscation, not security.
    A possible improvement would be to use Crypt::CBC on top of
    Crypt::Blowfish, but that would generate IDs that are at least 48
    characters long.
    The secret key can not be changed once loaded.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to

    A fully functional command-line tool to encode/decode IDs is available
    in the `./eg/' folder.

    Dancer, Dancer::Plugin

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Dancer::Plugin::EncodeID

    Idea and implementation for this module were greatly influenced by
    similar mechanism used in the Galaxy project (http://usegalaxy.org).

    Copyright 2011 Assaf Gordon.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.