
Source of Log::Report v1.14 from CPAN (no history) for Dancer2::Pluging debugging

Primary LanguagePerl

==== README for Log::Report
=    Last update: 25 May 2007, Mark Overmeer

The Log::Report module is entangled with various other modules, which
may each take a long time to install but then are never used.  Therefore,
these modules will produce compile-time errors.

Optional modules:      Needed for:
  Log::Dispatch and ::*  Log::Report::Dispatcher::LogDispatch
  Log::Log4perl          Log::Report::Dispatcher::Log4perl
  Sys::Syslog            Log::Report::Dispatcher::Syslog
  PPI                    Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI
  Locale::gettext        Log::Report::Translator::Gettext