Automating the functionality of using a raspberry pi to control lights
References for more information on setting up / configuring your rPi and GPIO
- Quick Intro to using python + rPi opensourceforu
- Wiring Pi
update lib/ with YOUR pin configuration from your RPi as it is used by:
Currently just writing a script that you create that pulls from the lib. Future plans:
- ./pi_light_show -text <path/to/file/with/triggers>
- ./pi_light_show -playlist </path/to/music_file(s)>
#Christmas Lights 2017-12-19
#on at 5pm
0 17 * * * /home/pi/gitroot/pi_light_show/
#kill script at 1AM
0 1 * * * killall
#ensure all off at 1:05AM
5 1 * * * /home/pi/gitroot/pi_light_show/