
You only need this repository if you're planning to write events or otherwise contribute to it. If you're just looking to use it, it's better to use the one from release sites (discord or loverslab).

Copy dynamic_affairs.mod just outside this repository to use the mod from the repostiory. This repository also needs to be called dynamic_affairs. This mod depends on Carnalitas (no restriction on load order).

Contribution Guide

No coding is required for contributing events - just tell me the event title, event description, what other events it can lead to (and text for the transitions), and also what events can transition to it.

However, if you want to test the mod, or if you want to contribute directly and want to code a little bit (just in python, no need to touch paradox script), then follow the guides below:

  1. install git (version management tool) and read about some of its basic usage
  2. create account on github.com
  3. fork this repoistory by clicking the fork button near the top right
  4. clone (download) your forked repository by clicking the green button, getting a link, then on command line type something like git clone https://github.com/PerplexedPeach/dynamic_affairs but replace it with the link to your own fork.
  5. put the repository under C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod\ (make sure the repository folder is called dynamic_affairs)
  6. copy the dynamic_affairs.mod file to immediately outside this repository to add it to the launcher
  7. make changes to the code in generate_events.py (detailed guide below)
  8. (optional) install graphviz to produce a graphical representation of the events, which is really helpful for organizing and debugging things
  9. run the generation script with python generate_events.py which will generate vis.png if you have graphviz installed and on your path
  10. test your changes in game's debug mode - you don't have to restart the game for file changes to take effect!
  11. commit your change (git commit) and push to your remote forked repository
  12. submit pull request on the github page for your fork
  13. I'll review the fork then merge or give feedback

Compatibility Guide

For files that require overriding, create only the diff that you want added to the game files under src. You can then generate the merged copy of those files with

python create_compatible_files.py

Which will prompt you for a path to the game directory. Leaving it default will use the configured base game directory. To make compatibility patches for other mods such as CFP, enter for example C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1158310/2220098919 This will generate the merged files under 2220098919 which then you can copy to a compatibility patch mod.

Generating Release

python create_release.py

Event Modding Guide

You can contribute by adding events of various types:

  1. sex events (see below) that are part of dynamic sex scenes
  2. events that lead to a sex scene, triggered from some on_action or a decision
  3. events that refer to the traits, modifiers, opinions, and so on generated from this framework

Creating Events Leading to a Sex Scene

For events of type 2, you need to know how to trigger a sex scene and what parameters are available. The most basic requirement is that you must define the affairs_partner character. e.g. in a character scope,

			save_scope_as = affairs_partner

You can then trigger a sex scene with the effect

		lida_start_sex_effect = { TRIGGER_RANDOM_EVENT = yes }

This will initiate a random source sex scene (sex scene with no other sex scenes leading to it other than itself). If you set TRIGGER_RANDOM_EVENT = no then all the effect does is some initialization, where you then need to trigger the first sex event yourself, such as directly through trigger_event = LIDAs.1, or select_random_sex_source_effect = yes


The locale is the location of the sex scene (dungeon, bedchamber, corridor, ...). See the full list below. You can save locale as a scope value before starting the sex scene, such as through

		save_scope_value_as = {
			name = locale
			value = flag:study

Note the locales currently used:

    POSSIBLE_BACKGROUNDS = ["battlefield", "alley_night", "alley_day", "temple", "corridor_night", "corridor_day",
                            "courtyard", "dungeon", "docks", "feast", "market", "tavern", "throne_room", "garden",
                            "gallows", "bedchamber", "study", "council_chamber", "sitting_room"]

Sex Event Writing Guide

Sex events are a special form of highly structured events. All code is inside defines.py and generate_events.py. You'll care mostly about the EventSex, EventCum enums at the top of the defines.py which has the IDs for all types of events. It's pretty straightforward, and you should just follow the existing event conventions. Append new events to the bottom of the enums without changing existing event IDs.

You should write everything in second person present tense. You'll care most about the define_sex_events, define_cum_events, and define_first_events functions at the bottom of the generate_events.py, where you can define events in the format of the following commented example:

    # Sex is the event class; use Cum for the cum events
    # Handjob Tease is the english localized title
    es.add(Sex(EventsSex.HANDJOB_TEASE, "Handjob Tease",
               # stamina cost of this event for the player (cost_1) and the partner (cost_2)
               stam_cost_1=0, stam_cost_2=1,
               # this event is only for when the player (root) character is female and partner is male; this is by default 
               # set this to allow for M/F, F/F, and M/M events (or any other gender pairing)
               root_gender=FEMALE, partner_gender=MALE,
               # chance for this event to rank up dom/sub (always opposite, but in a separate roll for the partner)
               root_become_more_sub_chance=0, root_become_more_dom_chance=0,
               # animations to play for you and the partner; default is flirtation
               animation_left=IDLE, animation_right=PERSONALITY_CONTENT,
               # description that shows up in the text body
               # {THEM} will result in their first name that's mouse-overable to get a tooltip
               desc=f"""With a knowing smirk, you size {THEM} up and put both your hands on their chest.
                    Leveraging your weight, you push and trap him against a wall. You slide your knee up his leg 
                    and play with his bulge. 
                    "Is that a dagger in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?"
                    Tracing your fingers against thin fabric, you work your way up above his trouser before 
                    pulling down to free his member. It twitches at the brisk air and the sharp contrast in 
                    sensation against your warm hands.""",
               # only fill the following out if this event has special text when you cum
               When the root character cums, this is the text that shows up in place of the stamina description.
               Leave this unfilled (by default None) to use a default description.
               # this defines what followup events exist for it, the type of transition, the text that should show up
                   # unless the partner is cumming, one DOM and one SUB transition will be chosen 
                   # this is a DOM type transition (so it will be challenged by the partner)
                   # if you choose a DOM type transition and fail, you'll default to a sub transition
                   # DOM transitions require failed_transition_text which will show up when you fail to dominate them
                   Option(EventsSex.HANDJOB, OptionCategory.DOM,
                          "Continue jerking him off",
                          Under the interminable strokes from your hand, {THEM}'s cock has 
                          fully hardened. Dew-like pre dribbles from the tip, lubricating the whole shaft.""",
                          failed_transition_text="You're too turned on to be satisfied with just jerking him off"),
                   Option(EventsSex.BLOWJOB_DOM, OptionCategory.SUB,
                          "Kneel down and take him in your mouth",
                          Looking up, you spot a look of anticipation on {THEM}'s face. 
                          They were probably not expecting you to volunteer your mouth's service.
                          They start moving a hand to place behind your head, but you swat it away."""),
                   # can transition to cumming events, which will only be options if partner stamina <= 0
                   # they can also be sub/dom (requesting pull out vs them giving you a creampie)
                   Option(EventsCum.HANDJOB_CUM_IN_HAND, OptionCategory.SUB,
                          "Milk him into your soft palms",
                          You place your open palm below his cock, ready to receive his seed.""")

Dynamic Descriptions

The Desc class allows for more advanced descriptions than just a string of text. Below is an example of more advanced composed and triggered descriptions that allow you to gate descriptions behind triggered conditions. A string can be used in place of a Desc object (will be converted).

    es.add(Sex(EventsSex.STANDING_FUCKED_FROM_BEHIND, "Standing Fucked from Behind",
               stam_cost_1=2, stam_cost_2=1.5,
               # this event removes clothes from both, following events will have them naked
               root_removes_clothes=True, partner_removes_clothes=True,
               animation_left=BOW_3, animation_right=SCHADENFREUDE,
               # ComposedDesc allows you to compose/chain Desc
               # the first Desc is just a string
               Sometimes bending you over and sometimes #sub pulling your hair to keep you upright#!, 
               you're at the mercy of {THEM}. His vigorous thrusts make you knees weak and you find it
               hard to stay on your feet.
                                 # some following descriptions that will only show on satisfying conditions
                                 # this example one requires the subdom score with the partner to be below -20 (am sub)
                                 TriggeredDesc(f"{SCOPE}:{SUBDOM} <= -20", f"""
               "You're my bitch now," he punctuates with a resounding spank on your ass.
                                 # different attitude when subdom score >= 10 (when you're dom)
                                 TriggeredDesc(f"{SCOPE}:{SUBDOM} >= 10", f"""
               "Is that all?" You manage to get out in between his thrusts, taunting and teasing him.

Check out https://ck3.paradoxwikis.com/Localization for fancy formatting of text. We have custom #sub <text>#! and #dom <text>#! formatting which will make the text pink and purple, respectively.

Current sex events graph: F/M events vis FM

M/F events vis MF