- Student Id: 2030407
- Name: Apurva Apurva
React dev tools (add browser extension). ( to setup all the files and folders, packages, etc.)
npx create-react-app ReactFinalProject
cd ReactFinalProject
(To start the dev server: for ex: (http://localhost:3000)
npm start
In React we cannot change the state, else we use useState to change any objects. To install icons in React, we use:
npm i react-icons
Header.jsx : It contains the nav bar of the viewport.
PatientDetailsCard.jsx: This contain a section containing the details of the patient with the icons to add, delete and rescheduling the appointment date property.
ReSchedule.jsx: It contains a form which takes the date to reschedule the apointment and stores it in the database, which can be reflected over the UI by selecting the same date.
BookAppointment.jsx: This conatins the box which take the values of the field and store it to the database.
Home.jsx: It contains the UI of the home page.
Login.jsx: It conatins a form which uses onLogin function to compare the value from the form with the stored employee_id and password in the database. If the details match, it logins the employee to their respective portal.
SelectAppointmentDate.jsx: It conatins a box containing the form which will show the scheduled patient details when the respective date is selected. It also contain the PatientDetailCard.
- Commands
mkdir HospitalManagemenntSystem
cd HospitalManagemenntSystem
- Create a new folder
and then create a new file server.js
npm init
Then fill in the required details
cd backend
node backend/server.js
- To post appointments
- To fetch and then post the appointments
- To delete or update the appointments
- To register a doctor
- To login a doctor