
Mouseless (bananaful?) navigation for jme3 applications

Primary LanguageJava

BigBanana Build Status

Mouseless (bananaful?) navigation for jme3 applications

!!! WARNING !!! This flavor of the library is hacky, depends on https://github.com/Pesegato/Lemur instead of standard Lemur because it interfaces directly with GLFW.

This library provide input utilities built on top of Lemur, expecially useful when your game is played without the mouse and keyboard:

  • proper Gamepad support (requires LWJGL3)
  • configurable input bindings by means of a Property file (which can also be used for other user settings)
  • remap input appstate
  • 4-way navigation
  • extra stuff
  • sample app

Proper Gamepad support

BigBanana uses the Gamepad input API from GLFW, to get input mapping right on supported Gamepads.

Configurable input bindings

First, you must define the custom "actions" that will be bound to some input. Then you must add a keyboard mapping and/or a pad mapping.

public static final String MY_COOL_ACTION = "my.cool.action";
public static void main(String[] args) {
    //No need to use setUseJoysticks!

Then, you must attach the BigBananaAppState. The construction requires a BananaPeel, which is an interface for your application.

String getFilePath(); //path of Properties file to save
Properties getProperties(); //Properties must be loaded beforehand
String getDefaultKeyBind(String key); //default key bindings for your application. Must include the custom actions.
BBInput getDefaultPadBind(String key); //default pad bindings for your application. Must include the custom actions.

How do you implement the last method? See below for an example:

public BBInput getDefaultPadBind(String key) {
    switch (key) {
        case MY_COOL_ACTION:
            return BBInput.BB_BUTTON_X;
    return null;

Finally, on your application you can map ingame functions to the remapped actions.

 BigBananaAppState bbas = getState(BigBananaAppState.class);
 bbas.map(F_COOLACTION, MY_COOL_ACTION, this);

Please note that you are mapping both keyboard and gamepad input, and therefore this must implement both StateFunctionListener and AnalogFunctionListener.

Remap input appstate

Just attach the RemapInputAppState to show a user friendly gui that allows the user to remap all your custom action. You might want to change the visuals, but that is left as an exercise for the reader.

4-way navigation

Lemur already provides 2-way navigation and confirm and these are bound to the gui layout so you get them for free. BigBanana instead allows you to build a logical layout (independent from the actual gui) where the component are placed on a virtual square table and take rectangular spaces. You must add the BBFocusTraversal control to a spatial:

    BBFocusTraversal bbft = new BBFocusTraversal();

Create a Control which implements BBFocusTarget. This is for getting visual feedback of the focus gained, lost etc. Then you must add this Control to each focusable and finally you must add each focusable item to the virtual square:

    bbft.addFocusable(Spatial target, int row, int column, int width, int height)

Please note that adding a spatial to the virtual table do NOT automatically attach the spatial to a Node! You are simply adding navigation support. Also don't forget to request focus for the first focusable item:


When navigating between pages, you probably want to use multiple BBFocusTraversal control, one for each page and call receiveFocus when focused.

Extra stuff

There are settings to changed the default deadzone, invert vertical axis, use the DPAD as left stick and the left stick as DPAD. There is a "navigation mode" for menus and a "gameplay mode" for playing. Have a look at the included example!

Sample app

Please check the "sampleapp" folder, it contains an implementation of all the above.