
Suggest something. See who's down. Make it happen.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AppStore Deploy checklist

bundle id: linfootco.Down.dev -> linfootco.Down switch deeplinks in resources plugin.xml switch facebook app id/name in package.json

App id

In config.xml:



Location Services

Add to iOS Info.plist to be able to request location:

NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription Down makes it easy to do fun stuff with your nearby friends.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cokz3hb2uooqmp/Screenshot%202015-08-11%2000.14.48.png?dl=0 TODO: Create our own Cordova plugin to set this ala http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22769111/add-entry-to-ios-plist-file-via-cordova-config-xml

Google Maps

Add to iOS Info.plist to open map links in Google Maps:

LSApplicationQueriesSchemes comgooglemaps fb uber twitter pinterest instagram yelp vnd.youtube foursquare

See https://github.com/ohh2ahh/AppAvailability#important-ios-9-url-scheme-whitelist for more info.


Add to iOS Info.plist to allow deep linking with Branch:

CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleURLSchemes down fb1466791860252976

        <!-- Staging -->


Change "linfootco.Down.dev" to "linfootco.Down" as the widget element id.


In package.json, the com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect variables go from:

Staging: "APP_ID": "864552050271610", "APP_NAME": "RallytapDev"

Prod: "APP_ID": "1466791860252976", "APP_NAME": "Rallytap"

iOS Allow HTTP

NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads