
Cumulocity IoT guides and documentation

Primary LanguageSCSS

Cumulocity Guides website


Built with Hugo (version 0.92.1)

Development environment

  • Clone the repository
  • Install hugo by using snap snap install hugo --channel=extended
  • Open a terminal window on project directory and type hugo server


The Cumulocity Guides website architecture has the following structure:

The architecture is built with a mix of front matter and directory structure

Adding content

1. Add a new section

Before adding a new section, check if the content fit in any of the available sections:

  • Release notes
  • Concepts guide
  • User guide
  • User guide (german version)
  • Device guides
  • Cumulocity-IoT Edge
  • Microservice SDK guide
  • Device SDK guide
  • Web SDK guide
  • Analytics guide
  • Reference guide

A new section is defined by a markdown file with the following front matter:

title: My new section # add the section title
bundle: new-section # add the directory holding the section pages
icon: "c8y-icon c8y-icon-tools" # use either fontawesome or c8y-icons
type: root # don't change
layout: root # don't change
weight: 90 # order the section in the section dropdown in ascending order

Grab the icon classes in the styleguide

2. Add the section root directory

All guides are stored in the content directory. To add a new section, create a directory here and name it with the bundle value set in the front matter.

3. Add a subsection

Inside the newly created directory create a markdown file with the name you wish to use as a url — e.g. introduction.md with the following front matter:

title: Introduction to Cumulocity # the page title
layout: bundle # don't change
weight: 10 # set the position of the page within the section in ascending order
aliases: # if needed, add the redirects here, otherwise remove this
  - /concepts-guide/introduction-to-cumulocity/
  - /concepts-guide/introduction-to-cumulocity.html
# add optional content as markdown
Cumulocity gives you very fast visibility and control over your remote assets, be these houses, cars, machines or any other assets that you need to manage.

If you're looking to have a short page without anchors, you're good to go, but if you want to add multiple subsections with anchors then proceed to the next step.

When adding multiple subsections, the content provided in this file will be rendered as a lead (text slightly larger) in the top of the page.

4. Add blocks of content with anchors to a page

To display multiple blocks of content and provide anchor links to display in the navigator, you'll have to follow these steps:

  1. add a directory with the exact same name as the markdown file adding the suffix -bundle, e.g. introduction-bundle.


  1. Add a index.html file into the new directory with the following front matter:
title: Introduction # not important as we won't use it, but we need the title
headless: true # states that all content inside this directory is just a resource to be used in another page

  3. Add a markdown file for each block of content with the following front matter:

title: Overview # will be used as anchor, i.e. guides/users-guide/introduction/#overview
weight: 10 # to set the position in the page

## Add content as markdown or HTML

* Certified hardware kits and software libraries you can use to bring your remote assets into the cloud.
* Device management, data visualization and remote control functionality through the web.
* Rapid customization of the above through [real-time processing](/concepts/realtime) and [Cumulocity applications](/concepts/applications).
* APIs for extending the existing functionality or interfacing Cumulocity with your other IT services such as ERP or CRM systems. Cumulocity can also host your HTML5 applications.

5. Add media

Media should be added to /static/images/. Add a new directory if none of the available suits your needs.

Keep all file names url friendly (lowercase, no special characters, and no empty spaces).

To use the images in your pages, just add the relative path e.g ![image title](/images/<directory name>/<file name>).


Redirects must be processed through aliases. Add aliases as an array, and make sure to remove /guides out of the url. Check the folowing example:

title: Introduction to Cumulocity
layout: bundle
weight: 10
  - /concepts-guide/introduction-to-cumulocity/
  - /concepts-guide/introduction-to-cumulocity.html
# this will redirect cumulocity.com/guides/concepts-guide/introduction-to-cumulocity/
# to cumulocity.com/guides/concepts/introduction

Deploying to cumulocity.com/guides

Cumulocity provides documentation for multiple releases, for that you'll have to create a release branch for every public release, e.g. release/r10.5.0-GA. When creating these branches follow the next steps:

  • Create the branch following the same pattern: release/r[version number]-GA

  • Edit the config.toml file and append the version number to the base url, e.g.: baseURL = "https://cumulocity.com/guides/10.5.0"

  • Still on config.toml change the guidesRedirect to target the about page on the release, e.g.: guidesRedirect = "https://cumulocity.com/guides/10.5.0/welcome/intro-documentation/"

  • Add the file properties.json adding the name and the long name for the release version, e.g.: { "name":"10.5.0", "longname": "Release 10.5.0 (GA)" }

  • Deploy using the jenkins task Deploy-c8y-docs-manual-release and provide the release version

  • Deploy the default branch using the jenkins task Deploy-c8y-docs to regenerate the version dropdown links

© Cumulocity GmbH 2019 + All rights reserved.