Name - Sid - Contribution
Le Duy Quang - s3917105 - 20%
Nguyen Tuong Khang - s3927112 - 20%
Doan Tran Thien Phuc - s3926377 - 20%
Do Phuong Linh - s3926823 - 20%
Ngo Quoc Binh - s3927469 - 20%


Sign in/ Sign up:
Sign in by email, phone
Check and validate sign in information
Sign up by email / phone
Check unique email / phone
Sign up and sign in by phone send OTP to user's phone for verification
Check missing field sign up
Keep log in status (so the next time you open the app, you don't have to log in again)
Log out

Tailored post feeding feature
Create post
Display post with user name and avatar, date upload/modified, post image and caption, pet tags, like and comment number.
Edit your owned post
Report post
Like post
Add your comments
View others comments (and their name and avatar)
Like comments

Create/Edit/Delete Post:
Upload an image or none
Add a caption or none
Tag your pets (zero to many pets) to your post
Hashtag your post (which can be used to search for relevant posts)
Save your editing
Delete post

Search by Posts, Communities, Users
For Posts search, user can search by caption content or tag
User can search communities or user by name
User can join a community

User can create their own community or joined the others
View posts in the communities
Create post private to the community that you are a member
Edit/delete your post in the community
User that joined can leave the community
Owner can delete the community

View chat history and continue chat
Display username and latest chat from each user/community
Start communities chat
Start 1 to 1 chat
Send chat to user or community group
Video call to user

User can edit their information
View all their posts
Add new pets
Pets management
Edit their pets profile and the pet images
Recollect images that you tags your pets
Delete your pets

Notification - (also can view on side nav):
Display number of notifications
Save the notifications and display from latest
Ping notification to your phone using FCM

Follower / Following :
Add/Remove follower
View your followers/following
Swipe to switch the screen of follower/following
Start message with your follower/following
Search follower/following
Click on follower/following to see their profile page
User can continuously view the follower/following of other users and can go back to the previous screen.

Admin (Separate App):
Display general information of the app
Receive notification from user's report
View user, post, communities
Search by id/description/tag
Admin can edit user and post
Admin can ban user
Admin can delete community
Log out, does not remember log in session -> More secure

Tech Stack:

We use this service to ping notifications to users.

Firebase Authentication:
We use this service for authentication users by email and password.

Firebase Firestore:
We use this service as the database of our application.

Firebase Storage:
We use this service as the storage for images.

We use this service for the video call function of our application.

Google Maps:
We use this service for the location sharing function of our application.