[1.] In order to play the game, you need to first set IP adress of server in inc/config.h file. If server and players are running on the same machine you can leave the default IP adress: . To play the game you neeed to create server and player executable files(programs). First open command line in submarines directory. In order to create server program type: - make server To remove program type: - make server_clean In order to create player program type: - make player To remove program type: - make player_clean ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.] To play the game first run server program and than player programs. To run server program type: - ./server To run player program type: - ./player ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3.] When you execute player program, at the begining you will see main menu from which you can choose listed options. You choose option by typing number of option and then enter key, example input: 1[enter key] If you type number that doesn't correspond to any option you will see "Invalid option!" prompt. Also you can see this prompt if you choose option that is not valid for current state of game(see FSM of player's program). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.] To begin playing match against oponnent first choose option set submarines. When you place submarines choose option to start the new match. Than you will wait for opponent to start the match. When oppopent starts you will see match screen and from there you can play.