
Simple quiz in Go

Primary LanguageGo

Fasttrack Quiz

The task was to build a super simple quiz with a few questions and a few alternatives for each question. With one correct answer.

Used Stack

  • Frontend - Vuejs
  • Backend - Golang
  • Database - In-memory


  • User is be able to get questions with answers
  • User is be able to select just one answer per question.
  • User is able to answer all the questions and then post his/hers answers and get back how many correct answer there was.
  • User is able to see how good he/she did compared to others that have taken the quiz.

Run the program

  • Run Go app:

    • go run main.go app.go result.go question.go
  • Run Vue app:

    • Open main.html in any browser

Author: Pedro Gabriel P. Almeida