
Reference implementation to solve the colors game from https://github.com/wengerp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Reference implementation to solve the colors game from https://github.com/wengerp


A performant Colors Solver

Data structure

Puzzles iin colors consists of 4 fields each having a color. Puzzles have several colors (from 1 to n). Our demo puzzle usea 6 colors:

  • Yellow (1)
  • Orange (2)
  • Red (3)
  • Green (4)
  • Blue (5)
  • Brown (6)

A single piece can therefore be modelled as a 4 digit number starting in the top left corner and running clockwise to the next fiel, i.E.

2411 is a piece with the following 3 field colors:

  • Orange (top left)
  • Green (top right)
  • Yellow (bottom right)
  • Yellow (bottom left)

Since the pieces can be roteted the numbers must be shifted 4 timees for each piece 2411 becomes 4112, 1124, 1241

The pieces can be stored id a simple structure containing the number an a flag for "original" and "rotated".

[0] first piece
[i] 2411 GUID i
[i+1] 4112 GUID i
[i+2] 1224 GUID i
[i+3] 1241 GUID i
[n-1] last piece


DFS(node, goal)  
    if (node == goal)  
        return node;  
        stack := expand (node)  
        while (stack is not empty)  
            node' := pop(stack);  
            DFS(node', goal);  
Array findNextPieces(CS) {
    lastPiese := peek(CS)
    foreach p in PA {
        if (p.matchPiece(lp)) {
    return CAND

PA = [p0,p1, ... ,p63]


Array DFS( CS, STACK ) {
    if ( STACK == empty ) {
        SOLS.push( CS )
        return SOLS
    else { 
        STACK.push(findNextPieces(CS) )
        while ( STACK != empty ) {
            DFS( CS, STACK )