
BookBites: Share your passion for books! Post the book you want to exchange with details, receive bids from fellow enthusiasts their book offers, choose your preferred swap, and arrange a convenient exchange and return.Unsuccessful bidders will be added to a waiting list.

Primary LanguageKotlin


What is BookBites?

BookBites is a platform for book lovers to share their passion for books and connect with other enthusiasts, basically physical books exchange and sharing platform.

This application uses a backend engine built with Ktor server with kotlin and postgres database : BookBites API

Here's how it works:

Share your book:

Post the book you want to exchange, along with details such as the author, category and a short summary on the book.

Receive bids:

Receive bids from fellow enthusiasts who are interested in your book, the interesting part is you are only allowed to bid with another book.

Choose your preferred swap:

Review the bids and choose the one that works best for you based on the books the bidders are trying to entice you with.
Arrange a convenient exchange: Connect with the bidder and arrange a convenient time and place to exchange the books and how and when to return back.

Unsuccessful bidders:

Unsuccessfull bidders will be added to a waiting list till the book is returned and the user marks it available for exchange again.


The app is built on MVVM architecture.

Tech Stack



  • Coil - Load images from network source.
  • Jetpack Navigation - Navigations from one fragment to another.
  • Material design - Material 3 is the latest version of Google’s open-source design system. Design and build beautiful, usable products with Material 3.

Dependency Injection

  • Hilt - Dependency Injection framework


  • Ktor Client - multiplatform asynchronous HTTP client, whch allows you to make requests and handle responses.
  • KotlinX Serialization - Serialization/Desirialization of JSON response from network.
  • Datastore - Store JWT tokens for user sessions during login and registration.
