
WordPress handler for communicating with the NewRelic API v2.

Primary LanguagePHP

WP NewRelic

WP NewRelic handles communication between WordPress and the NewRelic API v2. It can be added to your theme/plugin or the /mu-plugins/ folder. It is designed to allow easy fetching of data from NewRelic to use and/or display on your WordPress site.

You can see more information about NewRelic's v2 API here: https://rpm.newrelic.com/api/explore


An API key is used for authentication. You can find instructions on obtaining your API key here.

Supported Endpoints

Not all Endpoints are supported yet, but all GET Endpoints are planned. PUT and DELETE Endpoints will be considered if there is interest. The following are supported:

  • get_applications() - List the Applications for authenticated Account.

  • get_application( $application_id ) - Gets the Application by given Application ID.

  • get_application_metric_names( $application_id ) - Lists the Metric Names for given Application ID, optionally filtered by Metric Name.

  • get_application_metric_data( $application_id ) - Lists the Metric Data for given Application ID, optionally filtered by Names, Values and Time Period.

  • get_key_transactions() - Lists the Key Transactions for authenticated Account.

  • get_key_transaction( $transaction_id ) - Gets the Key Transaction by given Transaction ID.

  • get_servers() - Lists all Servers for authenticated Account.

  • get_server( $server_id ) - Gets the Server by given Server ID.

  • get_server_metric_names( $server_id ) - Lists the Metric Names for given Server ID, optionally filtered by Metric Name.

  • get_server_metric_data( $server_id ) - Lists the Metric Data for given Server ID, optionally filtered by Names, Values and Time Period.

Usage Examples

To get started check the examples below.

Basic Example

This basic example shows you how to fetch the details of an Application.


// Replace with your API Key - http://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/api-key

$newrelic = new WP_NewRelic( $api_key );

$application_id = 'XXXXXXXXX';

$response = $newrelic->get_application( $application_id );

echo '<pre>';
print_r( $response );
echo '</pre>';


Advanced Example

This advanced example shows you how to fetch Metric Values for a particular Application. You can filter by Metric Names and Values as well as a Time Period.


// Replace with real API Key - http://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/api-key

$newrelic = new WP_NewRelic( $api_key );

$application_id = 'XXXXXXXXX';
$names = array( 'External/all' );
$values = array( 'call_count', 'average_response_time' );
$now = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$from = new DateTime( $now );
$from->modify( '-6 hours' );
$to = new DateTime( $now );
$response = $newrelic->get_application_metric_data( $application_id, $names, $values, $from, $to, true );

echo '<pre>';
print_r( $response );
echo '</pre>';
